UAVision Nordic AB
Drone photography

Drone Photography

Do you need images or videos from an aerial perspective? UA Vision has professional drone photographers and flies drones suitable for all types of assignments, such as inspections, documentation of construction projects, aerial photography of properties, offices, farms, and residences.

As the client, you never need to worry about laws and regulations as we have full knowledge of what applies. UA Vision is a registered operator, and both our equipment and employees are insured and our remote pilots are approved.

About the drone photography service

Drone photography can be done using various sensors such as a regular camera, infrared (IR), or multispectral sensor.

Contact us, and we will discuss how we can assist you.

Project Documentation: We have participated in and documented numerous fire tests and trials.

Corporate Advertising: Promote your company with images from a new perspective.

Property Images for Sale: By aerially photographing or filming properties, plots, and areas, you get a better description of the object.

Private Drone Images: Would you like a beautiful photo of your house, summer cottage, or family estate from above? It can become a stunning centerpiece in your living room.

Construction Companies: Comprehensive documentation of properties, plots, and areas from great heights and various angles, showing distances to access roads and nearby facilities. Inspection of roofs and other buildings.

High Altitude Documentation: Inspection of wind turbines and other objects at great heights. We can make life easier for all types of inspections. Now you can save both time and money by inspecting with drones.

Journalism: In special news events, videos from drones can provide a comprehensive view that can be challenging to achieve from the ground.

Agriculture and Forestry: Monitor your fields and forests with drones. Drones give you the opportunity to inspect your land.

Contact us for a quote.